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Time for Change – A new theory of change for Amnesty International UK

Theory of Change

We are proposing a new theory of change for Amnesty International UK for the period 2022-2030. A ‘theory of change’ is our attempt to understand how what we do will lead to the changes we seek on the issues we care about. It is a theory – one that must be tested – based on evidence from our work, and observations about the work of others.

We developed this theory of change in the second half of 2020, through wide consultation with staff across Amnesty International UK, activists and other supporters, and with input from the Boards and their Activism and Campaigns and Impact Sub Committees. The theory of change has been developed following a wide-ranging review of internal and external evaluations of our work over the last five years; analysis of how key audiences view Amnesty International and our work; a scan of the wider human rights sector; and a review of the UK and international human rights sector, as well as taking a lead from the strategic direction coming from the International Secretariat 

Find a copy of the Amnesty International UK Theory of Change and Strategy 2022 - 2030 below. 

Amnesty International UK – Theory of Change
Amnesty International UK - Strategy 2022 - 2030