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Amnesty International UK
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Canada: Police killing of Dudley George - questions still unanswered after eight years

George was fatally wounded on 6 September 1995 when heavily armed police officers attacked a much smaller group of protestors occupying Ipperwash Provincial Park. Amnesty International said: 'Year...

DRC: UN Force Must Not Stand-By as Massacres Take Place

Amnesty International UK Media Director, Lesley Warner, said: MONUC has a new, more robust mandate and it must use this to assure the civilian population that it will not stand by and watch people...

Burma (Burma): Aung San Suu Kyi must be freed immediately

Amnesty International UK Media Director, Lesley Warner, said: 'Prisoner of conscience Aung San Suu Kyi should never have been arrested in the first place. The SPDC must release her immediately.' While...