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Write for Rights 2016 (04/11/2016 and 10/12/2016)

Join the group to sign cards as part of the annual Write for Rights campaign: events taking place around Human Rights Day on 10 December.

Event no. 1

Members of the group will be encouraging shoppers to sign a card for an Individual at Risk.

Venue: Chichester Cathedral Green and environs

Date: Saturday 10 December 2016

Time: 10:00 - 12:00

Contact: Kath Shakespeare 01243 552131 or Bob Dewick 01243 823016


Event no. 2

We will start the Write for Rights campaign at Stephanie Carn's in Chichester.

Venue: 120 Whyke Road, Chichester, PO19 8JG

Date: Friday 4 November 2016

Time: Evening (tbc)

Contact: Please contact Steph on 01243 533393 if you’d like to come



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